Here’s What You Need to Know About Acro Yoga!

Acro Yoga

Acro yoga is a type of yoga that combines elements of acrobatics and yoga. It is a relatively new practice that is becoming increasingly popular among yoga enthusiasts. It’s a great way to burn calories, which can help you have better focus at work. But how do you know if acro yoga is suitable for your body? In this article, we’ll go over everything you need to know about acro yoga — from its origins in circus arts and gymnastics to its modern incarnation as an aerial yoga class on uneven terrain. We’ll also cover some of the benefits of practicing acro yoga and what positions best suit beginning practitioners who want to try out this unique form of exercise firsthand!

What is Acro Yoga?

Acro yoga is a combination of acrobatics, yoga, and dance. Two people in a relationship perform it, and it’s a fun and challenging way to connect with your partner. The performance is based on the idea that two people can work together as partners while they’re balancing on top of each other and moving their bodies through space. The dancer, in this case, also has to move independently from her partner to keep up with him or herself while performing acrobatics or other movements at speed (like in gymnastics).

The History of Acro Yoga

Acro yoga is a physical practice that combines yoga and acrobatics. It is a relatively new practice, having only been around since the early 2000s. The history of acro yoga is closely linked to the history of yoga itself.

Yoga is an ancient practice that originated in India, and it is believed to date back to around 5,000 years ago. Yoga was initially developed as a way to physically and spiritually connect with the divine. In the Western world, yoga has become increasingly popular for improving physical health and well-being.

Acro yoga combines elements of both yoga and acrobatics. It was founded by Jason Nester and Jenny Sauer-Klein in 2003. The pair were inspired by their backgrounds in gymnastics, circus arts, and martial arts. They created acro yoga to combine their love of movement with their passion for yoga.

Acro yoga has since become a global phenomenon, with practitioners worldwide enjoying its many benefits. The practice can be enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities, making it accessible.

Benefits of Acro Yoga

Benefits of Acro Yoga

Acro yoga is a great way to get more out of your body. Acro yoga can also be used as a tool for healing, as it can help to release tension from the body and mind. Here are some Benefits of Acro Yoga

you can expect the following:

  • Balance and coordination are essential for both physical and mental health. By practicing acro yoga, you can improve your ability to maintain balance in your body and your life. The increased strength and flexibility from acro yoga can also help prevent injuries.
  • Increased body awareness – The movements are slow and deliberate, so you must pay attention to everything happening in each pose. This will help you become more aware of how your body moves, feels when it stretches and relaxes, and responds to gravity or resistance. You’ll learn where muscles are located on different body parts and how they’re connected—without even doing much physical activity beforehand!
  • Increased flexibility – Acro yoga requires students to stretch their bodies in ways they wouldn’t usually try at home (or outside). This helps open up tight muscles by breaking them down bit by bit until they can relax completely without pain or discomfort! It also improves overall strength because there isn’t any strain involved while performing each pose; instead, all focus goes into improving technique so that no matter what level one starts with, there’s always room for improvement later down the road. 
  • Mental focus and concentration are essential for success in any life area. The practice’s calming effect can help clear your mind, enabling you to focus on your goals. Acro yoga can also help reduce stress levels, improving overall health.

How to Get Started in Acro Yoga?

Acro yoga is a blend of yoga and acrobatics that was first popularized in the west by Jason Nemer. It is based on the principle of “trust and play” and often requires a partner to practice. If you’re new to acro yoga, here are some tips to get started.

  1. Find a partner: Unless you’re already advanced in yoga and acrobatics, you’ll likely need a partner to help support you in some poses. Look for someone who is trustworthy, patient, and has a good sense of humor!
  2. Attend a class: There are plenty of acro yoga classes offered at studios and gyms across the country. This is a great way to learn the basics in a safe environment with an experienced teacher.
  3. Get some training: Consider signing up for an acro yoga workshop or retreat once you have the basics down. This will allow you to dive deep into the practice and learn more advanced techniques.

Beginner Acro Yoga Poses

Acro yoga is a type of yoga that combines yoga and acrobatics. It can be performed as a solo practice or with a partner. Acro yoga poses require strength, flexibility, and balance. If you are new to acro yoga, you should keep a few things in mind. First, practice with a partner you trust and have experience with this type of yoga. Second, start slowly and gradually increase the difficulty of the poses as you become more comfortable with them. Third, focus on your breath and stay within your comfort zone. Here are some beginner’s acro yoga poses to get you started:

Folded Leaf Pose

What is Folded Leaf Pose and it's benefits?

Folded Leaf is a basic acro-yoga pose that many yogis learn as the basis for intermediate to advanced flight practice, and this is a casual inversion for flyers. How to do this yoga pose:

  • Bases begin to lie on their backs and place their feet on the thighs of the leaflets, toes facing out at a 45-degree angle.
  • Belly tight, pilots lean forward, grasp the base’s hands, and lift their feet off the ground as the base squeezes their feet to stand.
  • The aviator spreads his legs wide, bends at the hips, and folds forward.

Plank on Plank

Plank on Plank

Plank on Plank is a simple but challenging pose to help you get to know Acro Yoga. It requires strength and balance, as well as core and arm strength. How to do this yoga pose:

  • Starting from the Plank Pose, those at the bottom should straighten their arms and use their core.
  • Shoulders should be over wrists with palms firmly pressed to the floor. Toes should be spread apart for balance.
  • The Flyer must hold the ankle or calf of the base, stepping on their shoulder with one foot and the opposite shoulder with the other.
  • The legs can hang around the shoulders of the base (or extend over the shoulders if the Flyer is on the taller side). Tuck your toes and balance your shoulder blades.

Partner Forward Fold

Partner Forward Fold - Beginner Acro Yoga Poses

These poses create a great joint shape for both partners in the pose and can be done to push the folds forward. Stand back-to-back with your partner and make sure your feet are about twice hip-width apart. How to do this yoga pose: 

  • Bend your elbows and lean forward until you feel a stretch in your chest muscles.
  • The base should be straight back, and the Flyer should begin to lean forward.
  • Flyers should lift off the ground as they move with the base.
  • The legs can keep their torso at waist level while performing the above step. They can also bend their knees to their chest or point them at the sky or on a wide straddle stretch.

Plank Press

Plank Press - acro yoga pose for beginners

The Plank Press is an excellent acro yoga pose for beginners that helps both partners get used to carrying their weight while building trust in each other. How to do this yoga pose:

  • The base should lie on your back, with your knees bent and your feet on the floor.
  • They should place their feet on the hips of the Flyer, who is standing next to their feet, facing them.
  • The Flyer should stand straight with arms outstretched in a “T” shape with their bodies and keep their cores engaged.
  • The base should bend at the knees, bringing the body closer to the floor.
  • Pilots must keep their feet on the ground and stand upright.
  • Repeat this movement a few times to get used to supporting the other person’s weight.


So, there you have it. Acro yoga is a fantastic way to get into shape and stay there. Its unique combination of yoga poses and dance moves makes it fun and an excellent workout for your body. If you’re looking for something new or need a good workout that won’t take too much time out of your day, this is what you’re looking for!

