How Pole Yoga Helps for Fitness, Weight loss, and Posture Alignment

pole yoga

Pole yoga combines the advantages of strength, aerobic, balance, and flexibility training, making it an efficient form of exercise. According to studies, yoga can cause someone’s heart rate increase up to 130 per minute lasting a maximum of ten minutes.

Weight Loss and Fitness

Pole yoga is beneficial for shedding body weight. It’s the best l exercise for doing so without even noticing. 

Because pole yoga fitness involves a full-body workout, this is possible to lose weight there. Pole yoga is not just traditional yoga practice, but it involves dancing in between the yoga postures while moving from one posture to another posture demanding much physical workout. This way of pole yoga dancing requires effort, which increases the heart rate as well as causes calorie burning inside the body.

Depending on the body composition and the strength of routine, pole yoga experts have been observed to expend to 1000–1800 calories every hour.

However, pole fitness activity can also assist you to strengthen the arms while shrinking the thighs and the waist. It is indeed not only about losing calories and fat either. This is achievable because pole yoga dancing involves so many movements that target the abdominal and external oblique, such as dips, twists, and climbs.

You hardly even realize that you are exercising your heart because pole yoga together with dancing is such a pleasurable hobby. This is why people want to exercise more often as the pounds start to melt off now and thus begin to feel more fit and confident about their physique.

Pole yoga fitness is the calisthenic entire body workout, which helps to shape your body. You exert your physical effort and carry your weight. It is not a novel idea;

calisthenics has long been practiced as a way to tone muscles.

Workout on the pole yoga target big muscles loses calories and reshapes lean muscles while also reviving the joints. Pole yoga exercise offers numerous opportunities to tone the muscles in the back, thighs, forearms, and abdomen. 

While doing intensive training with one-leg stretches against gravity may make your groin look decadently delicious, heels elevated in preparation for a leap or climb would also assist tone the calves. Twists involve a lot of core work, which helps reduce the fat around the annoying love handles and slims the waist by working the obliques.

pole yoga
pole yoga

Yoga Posture Alignment

In comparison to traditional exercises, pole yoga training builds muscles through a wider span of motion, which implies that each part of the body gets an equivalent workout in addition to the abdominals. This allows close alignment with a lower risk of damage, which is how it enhances balance.

Being inverted can help you balance since it makes your brain exert little extra hard work as it has to continually make up with your hanging postures like Sirshasana or Sarvangasana

While constantly shifting upward and downward to keep the feet and hands on the firm ground throughout practice on the pole, for example with postures such as sirshasana or Handstand which means we constantly have to modify how much energy we put onto our biceps based on what posture they’re at the time.

When performing rotations on a pole at certain high speeds, having a strong balance might assist prevent injuries.

Pole also helps the pole yoga dancers to get better posture alignment while practicing

certain yoga asanas like Natarajasana or Sirshasna with the support of the pole. 

Alignment is the main thing in yoga asana performance. While some people can not hold their body at perfect alignment in some asanas, pole yoga is a better way to improve body alignment to get the best posture. For example, while practicing handstands the support of the pole makes a lot of support.

Many of yoga practitioners who are struggling with flexibility, the support of the pole improve the flexibility of the body, especially in bending, stretching, and twisting.

For practitioners of Iyengar Yoga where many props are used for posture alignment, pole yoga can be a great way to find better yoga postures. Regular pole yoga practice can improve flexibility, strength, twisting, and bending capacities.

Strength of arms and biceps will improve a lot as it requires great strength to hold the pole and raise your entire body and then perform any yoga asana. In this context, regular pole yoga can be the best replacement for gym work out. 

Cardio yoga enthusiasts can enter this area of pole yoga as it improves the cardiovascular systems in a great way and strengthen the whole body’s muscular and circulation systems.

Those who love music and rhythm and have great muscular arm strength can easily practice pole yoga as it gives body strength and perfect alignment with nature. Pole yoga improves body strength, posture alignment, and fitness at the same time.

